charles davy

On our 40th anniversary and every day, we remain committed to our vision of a peaceful and thriving Afghanistan.
However, in 2023, the situation in the country remained extremely challenging for ordinary people, who continued to grapple with the economic and humanitarian crisis, the rollback of women’s rights, the growing impacts of climate change, and now, forced returns from Pakistan. Currently, nearly 24 million Afghans find themselves in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, with 15 million people unable to eat enough food to sustain their daily needs. These catastrophic figures underscore the depth of the crisis, where there remains a serious risk of systemic collapse and human catastrophe.

We’re more determined than ever, but at this important milestone in our organisation’s history, we need your support to sustain what everyone knows will be years more of our life-saving and life-changing work.

We are gravely concerned that the world's attention, which was fully focused on Afghanistan in 2021, is not similarly engaged as we move towards another winter - one which, for many, promises to be even more challenging than the last. There is an urgent need for increased, high quality humanitarian aid and more importantly still, longer-term development support, but paradoxically, funding shortages continue to threaten these aid efforts in Afghanistan.

Despite these funding gaps, in the past two years, Afghanaid has delivered emergency assistance to well over two million people, ensuring vulnerable families can feed themselves, find warmth and shelter, and stay healthy. However, humanitarian aid alone is not sufficient for families to build resilience and break the cycle of vulnerability. This is why, our emphasis is now on longer-term development programmes that enable communities adapt to climate change and improve livelihoods, by retaining and storing water, irrigating crops and watering livestock, adding value to their produce and connecting to markets; at the same time, building essential community infrastructure and improving access to essential services.

The assistance that we have been able to give to millions of Afghans over the past forty years has been made possible by the resources contributed by governments and our generous supporters worldwide. Regrettably, 40 years on, the people of Afghanistan continue to face immense challenges. We’re more determined than ever, but at this important milestone in our organisation’s history, we need your support to sustain what everyone knows will be years more of our life-saving and life-changing work.