
Welcome to the very first edition of our new, digital Annual Newsletter. In 2023, Afghanaid marked its 40th anniversary, and we chose to shape our celebration of this achievement around one theme: ‘Still here’. Dive into the heart of our ongoing and transformative work: unveil stories of resilience, innovation, impact and inspiration, and join us as we continue to steadfastly strive for a brighter future for Afghanistan.

Our new film, celebrating 40 years working for peace and prosperity in Afghanistan.


In 2023, the people of Afghanistan have continued to grapple with multifaceted challenges that hinder their daily lives and aspirations, with widespread poverty, unemployment, and fragile infrastructure impeding socio-economic development and leaving many struggling to meet their fundamental needs.

This past year has also been marred by troubling rollbacks on women and girl’s basic freedoms, a series of devastating earthquakes in the east of the country, and over a million refugees being forcibly returned from Pakistan.Despite these formidable challenges, the resilience and determination of the Afghan people endures, as they continue to strive for a future free from conflict, poverty, and uncertainty. 40 years on, Afghanaid’s work and hardworking staff remain crucial in supporting Afghanistan on its path towards stability, fostering development, inclusion and lasting peace.

This past year saw over one million refugees being forcibly returned from Pakistan.


Charles Davy

NOTE from the managing director
CHarles davy

'Currently, nearly 24 million Afghans find themselves in urgent need of humanitarian assistance as Afghanistan's food security crisis lingers.'


'They call me boss...'

A woman with knowledge is a woman with resilience.

Hanifa's story.


STILL CHANGING the narrative

On a sunny summer sunday...

Our second cultural festival held in London's East-end was another huge hit, featuring delicious Afghan food and music.